kPhoto Jaidermartina Flughafen Bozen 35

Handling - Fees's and services

Standard handling fees
Charges applied by ABD AIRPORT SPA are approved by the Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transports no. 284/2014 "Approvazione della tariffa per il corrispettivo handling da applicare presso lo scalo di Bolzano".

Here you can consult the hadling fee’s of the services availble on Bolzano airport.

List of services included in the standard ground handling fees for the Commercial Aviation:
 - General information  - Communications
 - Standard interior cleaning  - Flight documentation
 - Assistance of arriving/transit passenger  - Water service
 - Sorting of baggage  - Toilet service
 - Lost & found  - Aircraft loading/unloading
 - Load control and load-sheet  - Check-in and passengers boarding
 - Coordination of operations  - Trough check-in (if available)
 - Assistance for parking, needed equipment and vehicles, transport of freight and baggage

List of services included in the standard ground handling fees for the General Aviation:
 - Crew and passenger transport
 - Assistance for parking, needed equipment and vehicles, transport of freight and baggage

Airport fees
By clicking HERE you can consult the hadling fee’s of the services availble on Bolzano airport.

For the fuel service and the VAT exemption please visit the FUEL section of this web site.

Hangar service
The ABD hangar service shall be regulated by the following Hangar Service Regulation:
Hangar service regulation
- Daily hangar service request form
- Lasting hangar service request form
Click HERE to see the amount of charges for the storage service.

Important informations to travellers – Custom regulation
All travelers that entering or leaving in the EU territory with an amount in cash equal to or greater than € 10,000 are required to declare to the customs authorities in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1889/2005, in force since 15 June 2007.
For more information please see the following link.

Healty rules
The pilots of the flights coming from ,,non-EU'' countries or from countries subjected to healt measure, with reference to the circular EAL-10 ENAC and in accordance with the International Health Regulations, they are mandatoried for law to be presented upon arrival:
 - The passangers list
 - The aircraft general declaration (here an example)
The airport has an obligation to archive this documentation for any inspections by the health authorities (USMAF).

Infos and requests
For further informations you can contact the following office or you can send an online request.
General aviation office
Tel.+39 0471 255 207
Fax.+39 0471 255 202
Opening hours for informations: 06.00-22.00